Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Predictions for today

NPME vs BD:  BD has been looking quite strong lately, and NPME has a lot of no namers. Should be an easy win for BD. Medium/High BD Low risk WON

SK vs NVM: NVM is ex-VwS, who have been playing bad lately, with their new lineup. But SK hasn't been looking good either, but should still be a relatively easy match for SK. 80/20 in favor of SK.  If odds go over 90% for SK, skip this. Low risk WON

GameAgents vs LDLC.Blue: Both teams have been looking weak lately, but in the end, LDLC.Blue should be able to win, because of long-term teamplay. I would say 50/50 match, but because of the teamplay, i would say Low LDLC/Skip. Medium/High risk WON

G2 vs Dignitas: First of 2 games, this one will be Inferno, which is one of Dignitas' best maps, if odds are high on G2 (over 65%), I would go Low/Medium Dignitas High risk LOST

Dignitas vs G2: This one is Overpass, which Dignitas just lost 16-3 to Na'Vi on. G2 on the other hand is known for being good on Overpass, and won 16-6 over VP a couple of days ago on the map. Should be an fairly easy match for G2, but look out for how both teams play on inferno. For now 70/30 in favor of G2 Low/Medium Risk LOST

Fnatic vs NiP: First map of 2, this one is Cache. Fnatic should be strong favor going into this map 75/25 in favor of Fnatic Medium Risk LOST

1 comment:

  1. Seems legit. probably gonna bet all in for every match!
